Monday, March 10, 2008

Here's another Lack of Logic tidbit: advice columnist is running a letter from bigwig at American Cancer Society about importance of colon cancer screening. Bigwig writes 'we're here to help so we have a free information kit to help people talk to their doctor about colon cancer screening.'
Well, the big problem is HAVING A DOCTOR TO TALK TO.
All these people they want to get screened...they don't because they can't afford it. They can't afford to have a doctor. 
They can't afford the tests or the insurance to pay for the tests. NOT because they don't know how to talk to their doctor!
Presumably, the American Cancer Society is involved with medical issues, so why don't they realize the state of medical care for most people in this country?
Seems to me that if they're sincere about helping, they'll help find a way to enable people to have the "luxury" (a purely American concept, I think) of having a doctor to see regularly.

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